Getting That Regular Gym Habit Implanted In Brain

It can be hard going to the gym two or three times a week, especially when you’re feeling under par to start with.  I had this very recently – having only been a signed up member for four months, I am still getting used to the vast number of classes available for the senior citizen.  I have the choice of several balance exercises with mobility – which involve both chair based and standing routines aimed at strengthening our bones and muscles.  In fact the regularity of attending class makes u mkore aware of our bodies and their capabilities rather than just their limitations and the need to be able to exercise our limbs safely.   We use resistance bands, hand and ankle weights and stretchy lengths to strengthen all limbs.  It really is hard work just trying to stand one one foot whilst we stretch out the other.  Those of us who find the aductors tough on hips have terrifyingly bad balane tend to fall over easily unless we clutch onto the chair if we’re in standing mode!

Having a proper trainer at the front of the class is so essential – I do know how to do all the moves but I am not confident about doing them properly – I need that constant reminder to keep my head up or back straight!  you only get this reassuring presence when using a well organised and insured gym training team!

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