Taking The Simple Tried & Test Gift Approach

Well, having got the seasonal festivities over and out of the way, we are left looking at a pile of presents and other offerings – often wondering what is it, or what do I do with this?!   There is something to be said about being given a gift card or a voucher for a once in a lifetime experience.   I have always been on the more sober side of the fence and the prospect of canooing up the amazon or dancing along the wing of a by-plane in mid air leaves me not just cold but absolutely frozen to the core.    I do like to choose a gift that suits the person and I spend an inordinate amount of time looking and thinking about what that person would like and my constant lack of decision making skills renders me exhausted after an hour!  But I have generally been congratulated for being able to buy really appropriate presents for folk – apparently i show great insight into personalities and a caring side of me gives way to the desire to please rather than be sensible and staid!

It is difficult to move awasy from the usual marks and spencer gift card – although we roll our eyes at the thought of them, they really are a boon.  After all, who on this  planet cannot find something special in their store!

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