Flying a drone can be a thrilling experience, offering unique panoramas and opportunities for stunning aerial photography. Yet, like any equipment, drones may encounter mishaps. This is where DJI insurance comes in, ensuring your favorite gadget is covered against the unexpected. This blog post provides drone enthusiasts with a comprehensive guide to DJI insurance.
What is DJI Insurance?
DJI Care Refresh and DJI Care Refresh+ are insurance plans offered by DJI, a leading drone manufacturer. The plans are designed to offer peace of mind to drone pilots, protecting them against a range of risks. Protecting your technological investment, DJI insurance provides coverage for accidents, including water damage and collisions, keeping you soaring above the rest.
The Benefits of DJI Insurance
Hassle-Free Replacements
Crashes can happen to the best pilots. With DJI insurance, you have the assurance that if your drone is damaged, prompt replacements are available. DJI Care Refresh offers up to two replacement units in one year while DJI Care Refresh+ extends this coverage for an extra 12 months and offers one more replacement.
Comprehensive Coverage
DJI insurance provides wide-ranging coverage, extending beyond the typical manufacturer’s warranty. It covers scenarios such as water damage, collisions, and drop damage. It even includes coverage for Signal Loss and Flyaway, complementing the company’s Flyaway Coverage service.
Worldwide Service
Are you a globetrotter with a passion for drone photography? DJI Care Refresh caters to you, with service plans covering dozens of countries and regions worldwide.
Understanding DJI Insurance Plans
DJI Care Refresh
This plan covers DJI’s most popular drone models, providing up to two replacement units within one year. The coverage extends to accidental damage such as water damage and collisions. It also covers user error, signal interference, and even offers free shipping.
DJI Care Refresh+
The DJI Care Refresh+ extends your DJI Care Refresh plan by an additional year and gives you an extra replacement. The plan can be purchased every time you have a valid replacement left on your DJI Care Refresh plan.
The Fine Print
As with any insurance plan, it’s crucial to understand the terms and conditions. DJI insurance does not cover lost or stolen devices, and the number of replacements are limited under the plan. Remember, the coverage starts from the device’s shipping date, so to get the most out of your plan, purchase DJI insurance when buying your drone.
Other Considerations
While DJI’s insurance plans are comprehensive, it’s worth considering other insurance alternatives. Depending on your usage, you may need specific types of coverage, such as liability insurance. Professional drone pilots may also need business insurance for comprehensive protection.
Investing in a drone is a significant commitment, and it’s only logical to protect it with DJI insurance. Offering comprehensive coverage and hassle-free replacements, DJI insurance plans provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on creating unforgettable aerial moments. As a drone owner, it’s your responsibility to safeguard your technological partner. Happy flying!